Gmsh embed volume
Gmsh embed volume

  1. Gmsh embed volume generator#
  2. Gmsh embed volume crack#

(1996), "Continuum model for dynamic damage evolution of anisotropic brittle materials", Int. (1996), "A new constitutive model for blast damage", Int. (2008), "A method for evaluating dynamic tensile damage of rock", Eng. (1986), "Microcrack-induced damage accumulation in brittle rock under dynamic loading", Comput. (1984), "Rate-sensitive damage theory for brittle solids", J. (1993), "An analysis of strong discontinuity induced by strain softening solutions in rate-independent solids", J. (1990), "A class of mixed assumed strain methods and the method of incompatible modes", Int. (2015), "Combined continuum damageembedded discontinuity model for explicit dynamic fracture analyses of quasi-brittle materials", Int. Saksala, T., Brancherie, D., Harari, I.

Gmsh embed volume crack#

(1985), "Smeared crack approach and fracture localization in concrete", Heron, 30(1), 1-48.

  • Rots, J.G., Nauta, P., Kusters, G.M.A.
  • (2011), "Effective 3D failure simulations by combining the advantages of embedded strong discontinuity approaches and classical interface elements", Eng. TVBM-1006, Division of Building Materials, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden. (1981), Crack Growth and Development of Fracture Zones in Plain Concrete and Similar Materials, Report No. (2000), "On the discrete constitutive models induced by strong discontinuity kinematics and continuum constitutive equations", Int. (1996), "Modelling strong discontinuities in solid mechanics via strain softening constitutive equations. (1988), "Material rate dependence and mesh sensitivity in localization problems", Comput. (2004), "Modelling of dynamic behaviour of concrete materials under blast loading", Int. (2007), "Finite element with embedded strong discontinuities for the modeling of failure in solids", Numer. (1991), "A modified method of incompatible modes", Commun. (2007), "Embedded discontinuity finite element method for modeling of localized failure in heterogeneous materials with structured mesh: an alternative to extended finite element method", Comput. (2006), "Strong discontinuity approach in dynamic fracture simulations", Mecan.
  • Huespe, A.E., Oliver, J., Sanchez, P.J., Blanco, S.
  • (2011), "A tensile damage model for rocks: Application to blast induced damage assessment", Comput. (1980), "Continuum modelling of explosive fracture in oil shale", Int.

    Gmsh embed volume generator#

    (2009), "Gmsh: A 3-d finite element mesh generator with built-in pre- and post-processing facilities", Int. (1991), "A continuum damage for facture of brittle solids under dynamic loading", J. (2013), "Stress-hybrid quadrilateral finite element with embedded strong discontinuity for failure analysis of plane stress solids", Int. (2017), "Dynamics framework for 2D anisotropic continuum-discrete damage model for progressive localized failure of massive structures", Comput. (1993), "Fundamental issues in finite element analyses of localization of deformation", Eng. De Borst, R., Sluys, L.J., Muhlhaus, H.B.(1995), "A rate dependent isotropic damage model for the seismic analysis of concrete dams", Earthq. Part I: Theoretical formulation and numerical implementation", Eng. (2009), "Novel anisotropic continuum-discrete damage model capable of representing localized failure of massive structures. (1984), "Continuum theory for strain softening", J. (1976), "Instability, ductility, and size effect in strain-softening concrete", J. 81-13, Department of Structural Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, U.S.A. (1982), Mixed-Mode Crack Propagation in Mortar and Concrete, Report No. (2009), "Numerical simulation of dynamic fracture using finite elements with embedded discontinuities", Int. (Eds)", Proceedings of the Computational Plasticity IV, CIMNE, Barcelona, 547-561. (1995), "Recent advances in the analysis and numerical simulation of strain localization in inelastic solids. (2002), "On the use of embedded discontinuity elements with crack path continuity for mode-I and mixed-mode fracture", Eng. We follow the ordering conventions of the GMSH project: Īdditionally, the following property must hold in order for a geometry to be considered a polytope: the boundary of a (N+1)-polytope is a collection of N-polytopes, which may have (N-1)-polytopes in common. Some conventions act as a mapping between vertices and higher dimensional features (edges, faces, cells.), removing the need to store all features. Each face can then be decomposed into edges, and edges into vertices. A polyhedron, for example, can be decomposed into faces. The term polytope expresses a particular combinatorial structure. The parameter N is also known as the rank or parametric dimension of the polytope. They are called polygon and polyhedron respectively for 2D ( N=2) and 3D ( N=3) subspaces, embedded in a Dim-dimensional space. We say that a geometry is a N-polytope when it is a collection of "flat" sides that constitue a N-dimensional subspace.

    Gmsh embed volume